Budget 2014: Who said what


Who said what

We thought we would round up opinion of today’s budget. From the Chancellor himself to the leader of the opposition, business leaders to the trade unions, who said what?

We’d also love to hear what you think about today’s Budget, please leave your comment at the bottom of the article.



 George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequor George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer:“If you are a maker, a doer or a saver this budget is for you. Faced with a recovering economy & improved borrowing figures, many Chancellors would be tempted to squander the gains. I have not done that.”
 Ed Milliband, Labour Leader
Ed Milliband, Labour Leader: “The chancellor failed to mention one key thing…Working people are £1,600 a year worse off under the Conservatives.”
 David Cameron David Cameron, Prime Minister:“George Osborne delivers another part of our #LongTermEconomicPlan #ForHardworkingpeople. #Budget2014 is for makers, doers and savers.”
 Robert Peston Robert Peston, BBC Business Editor via Twitter @Peston:“Rather amazing that cutting tax on taking cash out of pension actually raises more than £1bn a year for Treasury.This was a budget for Business and older people.”
 Tom Tom Bradby, Political Editor, ITV News via Twitter @TomBradby:“These changes are pretty far reaching, and lets remember….. pensioners do vote.”
 Chris Leslie Chris Leslie, Labour MP for Nottingham East and Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury , via Twitter @ChrisLeslieMP:“Is it really true that in the 120 pages of the Budget document there is no mention of the cost of living? #outoftouch #costoflivingcrisis”
 Ros Altmann, Director-General of the Saga Group Ros Altmann, Pensions Expert via Twitter @rosaltmann:“Pensions flexibility and no buying of annuities. Suddenly pension saving is vastly more attractive – and Chancellor gets more revenue too.”
 Frances Frances O’Grady, TUC General Secretary:“This was a pre-election Budget, it will be paid for by further years of austerity, public services brought to near collapse, public sector pay cuts and a welfare cap that bites into the safety net that any of us might need.”
 John, Longworth, Director General, British Chambers of Commerce  John Longworth, Director General, British Chambers of Commerce: “Business wanted a Budget that was disciplined, focused, and geared toward the creation of wealth and jobs – and that’s what the Chancellor has delivered.Osborne’s focus on investment, exports, house-building and economic resilience passes the business test.As with any Budget, there were some populist measures that were not at the top of business’s wish list. Luckily, these were far outweighed by considered measures to support business growth and wealth creation.Many of these measures are excellent for now, and for the future. Yet the nurturing of a truly great economy requires more action than one Budget can deliver.” 
 John Cridland, CBI Director General John Cridland, CBI Director General: “The Budget will put wind in the sails of business investment, especially for manufacturers. This was a make or break Budget coming at a critical time in the recovery and the chancellor has focused his firepower on areas that have the potential to lock in growth.”
 John Allan John Allan, National chairman, Federation of Small Businesses:“Today’s Budget offered a clear signal for businesses to grow through the increased investment allowance with a focus on manufacturing. The £7bn package to cut manufacturing energy bills will help create jobs and strengthen this key sector.”
 Dave Prentis Dave Prentis, General Secretary Unison:“The Chancellor has run out of time and ideas. His claims that people are feeling the benefits of his austerity agenda are wearing thin. The public are not fooled, they know that the gap between the rich and poor is dividing society. Unison members will see through the Chancellor’s Budget for what it means – at least another four years of pain for little gain.”