How does your self-invested pension knowledge stack up? Test yourself online and find out


How does your self-invested pension knowledge stack up? Test yourself online and find outWhen investors and advisors talk about self-invested pensions most naturally think about SIPPs, or Self-Invested Personal Pensions to give them their full name. But we shouldn’t overlook the SIPP’s lesser known cousin, the SSAS (Small Self-Administered Scheme).

There are a few specific occasions when a SSAS can be preferable to a SIPP, especially when a group of investors are buying a commercial property or when a loanback is required.

Many investors and advisers often avoid considering a SSAS in the mistaken belief that it is more costly and complex than a SIPP, neither of which is necessarily true.

Take the Barnett Waddingham SSAS Essentials test now

Barnett Waddingham SSAS Essentials

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Test your SSAS knowledge

To help highlight the benefits of the SSAS those clever people at Barnett Waddingham  have put together ‘SSAS Essentials’,  a quick quiz which will allow you to test your SSAS  and wider pensions knowledge.

Click here to take the ‘SSAS Essentials’ quiz now and why not leave a comment below and let us know how you get on?

Improve your SSAS knowledge

Once you’ve taken the Barnett Waddingham quiz why not read more about how a SSAS could work for you? We’ve written a number of articles about the subject, including:

Why consider a SSAS?

The comeback of the SSAS


Our team  of Independent Financial Advisers are experienced in advising clients on their SIPP and SSAS options.

If you would like to discuss how a self-invested pension could help you call one of our IFAs today on 0115 933 8433, alternatively enquire online  or email