Investment Sense is proud to announce the launch of our Retirement Centre and that we have signed up for the Offer More Options campaign.
An amazing two thirds of people do not use the Open Market Option when they come to take an income from their pension fund opting instead to take the Annuity offered to them by their current pension provider. Very few people know that there are in fact 10 ways of converting your pension into an income, anyone who simply takes the Annuity offered by their current pension provider who is highly unlikely to get the best income possible for their pension.
The Offer More Options campaign is designed to highlight this issue amongst those people nearing retirement and to help people make better decisions with their pension fund.
At Investment Sense we are passionate about helping you make your pension fund work harder for you at retirement so that you get the best possible income in your retirement.
Our Retirement Centre is free to use and provides a range of information and guides on the 10 options that you face in retirement, news articles on the options available to you and real time quotes for Lifetime Annuities showing you the benefits of shopping around.
Visit our Retirement Centre by clicking here, and start to make better decisions with your pension.