“Enjoy your retirement years as you’ve always envisioned.”
We are delighted to be speaking at the forthcoming seminars from renowned retirement coach, Julie Parry Jones.
Whether you are approaching retirement or have recently retired, the transition can be difficult to manage, with a huge number of financial decisions to be taken; many of them irreversible.
At the seminars Investment Sense will provide you with all the financial information you need to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Whilst Julie will consider other areas to ensure a healthy retirement.
Julie Parry Jones
Contact Julie on:
Contact Julie on:
– See more at: https://investmentsense.co.uk/guest-blog-managing-the-transition-from-work-to-retirement-7-great-tips/#sthash.WRVHFc8E.dpuf
Contact Julie on:
– See more at: https://investmentsense.co.uk/guest-blog-managing-the-transition-from-work-to-retirement-7-great-tips/#sthash.WRVHFc8E.dpuf
Commenting on the seminars Julie said: “Our Retirement Planning & Transition Seminar provides the tools, education, and guidance you need to comfortably and confidently transition from the work-place to retirement. With 20-30 years of retirement to look forward to, now is the time to take your dream and make it a reality.”
Phillip Bray, Marketing Manager of Investment Sense, added: “Retirement can be equally daunting as it can be exciting. These seminars will provide attendees with a huge amount of information to ensure people make the right financial decisions to ensure a financially healthy retirement.”
What will the seminars cover?
The seminars, which will be held at luxurious venues, are great value and available on a one or two day basis.
Whether you book on the one or two day seminar you will be able to take advantage of the amazing spa and golf facilities offered by both venues.
The seminar content will include:
- How to make the best of your pension
- State Pension planning
- Taxation
- Wills & Inheritance
- Introduction to Investing
- Managing Debt
- Long-Term Care
- Healthy & Active Retirement
- Lifestyle & Relationship Transitions
For the full schedule of the one day seminar, click here
For the full schedule of the two day residential seminar, click here
More details & booking
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Who is Julie Parry Jones?
Julie Parry-Jones is a renowned speaker and coach on the subject of retirement transition.
Julie has a passion for helping people achieve the retirement which they had always envisioned, both from a financial and health perspective.
With a background in the pharmaceutical industry and a BSc in Health Science, Julie is well positioned to advise on how to achieve a healthy retirement.
Julie commented: “Because of my passion for health and wellbeing I decided to become a Wellness Educator, I obtained my BSc in Health Science and now work to help people become more aware via educational seminars, free information and through my website and blogs. I also promote the huge benefits of preventative health care, of having the right information to make informed decisions about health and life style.”
To find out more about the seminars contact Julie today by emailing julie@julieparryjones.com or submit an online enquiry by clicking here.