Scottish Widows Retirement Account
Last updated: 19th December 2024
Charges VAT is not charged by Scottish Widows, although some partners linked to the Scottish Widows Retirement Account may charge VAT
Initial/Set up fee
Annual fee
The annual charge is calculated as a percentage of the total fund value:
£0 - £30,000, 0.90%
£30,000 - £50,000, 0.40%
£50,000 - £250,000, 0.30%
£250,000 - £500,000, 0.25%
£500,000 - £1,000,000, 0.20%
Above £1,000,000, 0.10%
Transfer in fee
Transfer out fee
In-specie transfer in fee
Taking Benefits
Additional Income Drawdown fees
Annuity purchase fee
Payment of death benefits fee
Other fees
Governed Investment Strategies - a maximum management charge of 0.2% a year, depending on how you take your pension when you retire
Access: Direct or via IFA
Online capability
Our online servicing facility for Retirement Account gives one of the fastest and most efficient ways to service accounts. We've developed a suite of online videos, FAQs and supporting guides to help you and your clients service Retirement Account online.
Online new business and increment illustrations are easy to use and where possible allow for the online submission of the application, reducing the amount of paperwork and removing any need for wet signatures. This signature-less journey extends to transfer business through the use of Origo Options Transfers. Where an online application isn’t appropriate our pre-populated application forms enable you to get business on the books quickly.
Our Portfolio Management Service provides a simple, online way of creating and managing your own ‘Adviser Portfolios’ made up of Scottish Widows Pension Funds and Fund Supermarket Funds for use with your Retirement Account customers.
Recently developed End State switching allows you to input the desired investment split for a customer and our system will calculate the sells, switches and buys required to achieve the “end state”.
We’ve also developed a range of online tools and calculators specifically for Retirement Account.
Permitted Investments
Commercial property
Unit trusts & OEICS
Via a limited range of platforms
External deposit accounts
Via a limited range of providers
Overseas listed stock and shares
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
UK listed stocks and shares
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
AIM shares
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
Gilts/corporate bonds
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
Investment trusts
Via a limited range of stockbrokers
Discretionary management
Via a limited panel of managers
National Savings & Investments
Unlisted shares
Structured products
Via a panel of Discretionary Managers
Trustee Investment Plans
Insurance company funds
Hedge funds
Traded endowment plans
Third party loans
Property purchase
Purchase fee
Sale fee
Annual property administration fee
VAT registration fee
VAT return fees
Other fees
SIPP Bank Account
SIPP bank account provider
Current interest rate
Scheme trustees
Scottish Widows Trustees Ltd
Scheme administrator
Scottish Widows
Minimum contributions
Regular payments
£200 gross per month
£2,400 as a regular annual premium.
Transfers/Single Premiums
Min additional
Once pension set up:
Transfer £2,000
Single £2,000
Yearly £600
Monthly £50
Company Information
Scottish Widows Ltd
Year established
Funds under administration
Number of SIPPs administered
Defaqto rating
Four Stars
Accepts benefits from defined benefit / final salary schemes?
Yes, only if IFA advised
Flexi-Access Drawdown/UFPLS offered
Scheme Pension offered
The information within this section is for your general information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. It is not an offer to purchase or sell any particular asset and it does not contain all of the information which an investor may require in order to make an investment decision. Please obtain professional advice before entering into any new arrangement. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of the information of this site.