Standard Life Active Money SIPP

Last updated: 25th April 2024

Charges VAT is not charged on these fees unless stated

Initial/Set up fee

Depends on which 'level' of investments are chosen (see notes below)

Level 1 investments: £0 initial fee

Level 2 investments: £0 initial fee

Level 3 investments: £382 initial fee

Annual fee

Depends on which 'level' of investments are chosen (see notes below)

Level 1 investments: £0 annual fee

Level 2 investments:
£262 - up to £50,000 held on Standard Life platforms
£0 - £50,000+ held on Standard Life platforms

Also for level 2, monthly fund administration charge:

0.60% - Less than £100,000 of SIPP Zone Fund Value
0.55% - £100,000 - £249,999 of SIPP Zone Fund Value
0.45% - £250,000 - £499,999 of SIPP Zone Fund Value
0.40% - £500,000+ of SIPP Zone Fund Value

Level 3:
£524 - less than £100,000 is held on Standard Life platforms,
£328 - £100,000 and £250,000 is held on Standard Life platforms
£197 - £250,000 and £500,000 is held on Standard Life platforms
£0 - £500,000+ is held on Standard Life platforms

Level 3:
£328 per annum for each Discretionary Investment Manager

Transfer in fee


Transfer out fee


In-specie transfer in fee


Income Drawdown

£158 - Annual Drawdown Fee - level 3 only

Additional Income Drawdown fees


Annuity purchase fee


Payment of death benefits fee


Other fees

Transaction charges (excluding Stocktrade) for level 3 investments, £62 per transaction, capped at £394 per annum

Stocktrade charge, Standard Life charge £12 (not included in the capped amount) & Stocktrade's charges 0.3% but collared & capped, £15 & £75 per transaction

Standard Account charge £70 pa
Offline Trading charge £30
Cross Border charge £100
Investments held by overseas custodian charge £50


Access: Direct or via IFA


Online capability


Full online functionality, including the ability to buy and sell assets, and obtain valuation

Permitted Investments

Commercial property

Unit trusts & OEICS

Via Standard Life Fundzone, Fidelity FundsNetwork and Standard Life's Sigma platform

External deposit accounts

Overseas listed stock and shares

Via Stocktrade

UK listed stocks and shares

Via Stocktrade

AIM shares

Via Stocktrade

Gilts/corporate bonds

Via Stocktrade


Via Stocktrade

Investment trusts & REITS & EPUTS

Via Stocktrade

Discretionary management

National Savings & Investments

Unlisted shares

Structured products

Trustee Investment Plans

Insurance company funds

Hedge funds

Traded endowment plans

Third party loans

Property purchase

Purchase fee

£818 per property (VAT is not charged on this fee)

Sale fee

£695 per property (VAT is not charged on this fee)

Annual property administration fee

£252 per property per year (VAT is not charged on this fee)

VAT registration fee


VAT return fees

£139 (VAT is not charged on this fee) per property per year

Other fees

Mortgage administration charge £188 per property per year (VAT is not charged on this fee)

Multi member charge (2-5 members) £57 per member, per property each year, (VAT is not charged on this fee)

Multi member charge (6+ members) £114 per member, per property each year (VAT is not charged on this fee)

SIPP Bank Account

SIPP bank account provider


Current Interest Rate



Scheme trustees

Standard Life Trustee Company

Scheme administrator

Standard Life Assurance Limited

Minimum contributions

Regular payments

£300 per month

Transfers/Single Premiums


Min additional


Company Information


Owned by Standard Life

Year established


Funds under management

£192 billion accross the whole company as at 30/09/2010

Number of SIPPs administered



Accepts benefits from defined benefit / final salary schemes?

Yes, if IFA advised


Flexi-Access Drawdown/UFPLS offered?



The Standard Life Active Money SIPP works on the basis of 'levels' - each level carries different charges (as outlined above) and allows different investments, as follows:

Level 1: 300+ pension funds and a SIPP bank account

Level 2: mutual funds via Standard Life's Fundzone and Sigma platforms

Level 3: full self investment options


The information within this section is for your general information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. It is not an offer to purchase or sell any particular asset and it does not contain all of the information which an investor may require in order to make an investment decision. Please obtain professional advice before entering into any new arrangement. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of the information of this site.